The LLA Foundation at Work

Posted on November 11th, 2021 at 8:12 PM
The LLA Foundation at Work

LLAFDo you know what your Lycoming Law Association Foundation has done to improve the delivery of legal services in our community, facilitate learning about the legal system, and enhance the image of the organized Bar?

  • $138,749 to provide free legal services to the residents of Lycoming County;
  • $23,241 to preserve and provide access to legal materials for the public;
  • $17,000 to train attorneys and other service providers in different areas of the law;
  • $11,400 to fund legal education and Mock Trial Teams for high school students;
  • $7,237.04 to provide funding for court-appointed child advocates.

From 2003 to Present, the LLAF gave more than $197,630 to worthy causes,