Lycoming County Law Day Celebrations

2022 Law Day Art & Essay Competition Opens

Posted on February 19th, 2022 at 10:19 AM
2022 Law Day Art & Essay Competition Opens

The Lycoming Law Association is pleased to announce the details regarding the 2022 Law Day Essay and Art Contest. Cash prizes of $75.00 will be awarded to multiple winning entries. There will be a $125.00 cash prize for the Best Essay and Best Art entries. This year’s theme is: “Toward a More Perfect Union - The Constitution in Times of Change.”

All entries are property of the Lycoming Law Association and are subject to public presentation, display and/or viewing.

Essay Contest: What is it about the Constitution that makes it important to us today? What amendments or changes do you think should be made to it?
     Grades K-5 – Not to exceed 300 words.
     Grades 6-12 – Not to exceed 1,000 words.

Art Contest: Art projects can be about the Constitution or any of its amendments.
     Art projects include posters, dioramas, videos, poems, creative writings, photography, songs, etc.
     Art submissions should not be any larger than 4 feet by 4 feet. Video or song submissions may not exceed five minutes.

Deadline: March 31, 2022, by 12:00PM
     All essay entries must be submitted electronically to the Lycoming Law Association via email to
     Art entries can be mailed or delivered to the Lycoming Law Association at 25 West Third Street, Suite 803, Williamsport, PA 17701. If a student is unable to submit an essay entry electronically, other arrangements can be made by contacting Michele Frey at 570-323-8287.

Required Coversheet: The attached coversheet must be included with each entry. Do not place any identifying information on the front of entries.

Celebration: The winners of the 2022 Law Day Contest are invited to present their essays and art, and collect their cash prizes, at the Lycoming County Law Day Celebration held on May 6, 2022 at 4:00PM in Courtroom #1 at the County Courthouse.

Coversheet     Official Flyer